Affiliate Marketing Strategy

Before getting started with affiliate marketing it is important to have a good strategy in place to maximize your profits.


I know sometimes I must sound like a broken record but it’s true.. “The money is in the list”. Btw, I am talking about YOUR list and not the list of the person who owns the product you are selling.

Here’s why: As an affiliate marketer it is your job to locate people who want to buy the products you are promoting, right? In order to do that you need to create an ad and start sending people to the website where they can buy these products.

Here’s the problem… anywhere from 60 to 95% of the people you send to the sales page probably aren’t going to buy the first time they see your product.

Why is this?

1. Most people want to be sure that they’re making the right decision. They may need to see or hear from you anywhere from 5 to 12 times before they actually make their decision to buy.

2. If you’re paying for the advertisement you are wasting your money on the people who don’t buy right away and are gone forever.

3. Of those who do buy, if you’re only sending them to the sales page, you are still losing them forever because you have no way of knowing who they are.

Here’s my strategy:

1. Write your ad and instead of sending people to your affiliate website send them to a well-written squeeze page instead – YOUR squeeze page.  A squeeze page is simply a webpage that is designed specifically to convince your visitor to give you their contact information.

2. Offer your visitors an incentive to give you their contact information. This could be a free report or an ebook. Just make sure it’s related to the niche or affiliate product that you are selling.

3. After they’ve opted in to your autoresponder, send them to your affiliate sales page.

4. Follow up with your prospects on a regular basis giving them a mix of good information, free bonuses, and other affiliate products.

Do this for each affiliate product you are promoting.

By using this affiliate marketing strategy to follow-up with your prospects the entire process runs almost on autopilot. You simply need to find quality products to give away and then market those products to your target audience. I recommend using Jeff Dedrick’s “Viral Ebook Explosion” site which will let you create your own free viral ebooks.  It’s free and super easy to setup.


Join Jeff Dedrick’s Viral Ebook Explosion

How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

If you really want to make money as a successful affiliate marketer you must first learn to identify the possibilities of making money online.

Basically, there are two ways to make money with affiliate marketing.

1. One-Off Commissions

Using this method the affiliate marketer earns a percentage of the product price every time they help make a sale. When selling these kinds of products it is best not to focus on products that pay $10 or $20 commissions. You are better off focusing on higher priced digital products since digital products will often reward you with 50% commissions or higher.

The idea behind this is that it takes just as much effort to promote a $10.00 product versus a $97.00 product so you are better off selling higher ticket items. If you do the math you will see that you would need to sell 9-10 copies of a $10 product to earn the same amount as selling one copy of a $97 product.. assuming the commissions are 50% for both products.

Where minimum effort maximum efficiency is concerned, you are better off promoting higher ticket items with high payouts as well.

2. Recurring Commissions

This is what all affiliate marketers should be striving for if they want to make their one-time promotion effort pay off residually. Sometimes, a recurring affiliate program will offer anywhere from 30 to 75 percent in commissions.

Keep your eyes peeled for membership and service oriented sites that off this kind of program. It always helps to focus on promoting at least a few of these kinds of affiliate programs that reward you on a recurring basis.

If you are really serious about earning maximum profits with affiliate marketing I highly encourage you to secure a copy of “Affiliate Partner Success Secrets“. It will show you the quickest and easiest way to start making money with affiliate marketing.

Grab Your Copy of Affiliate Partner Success Secrets

Making Money With a Dying Computer

Ok, this random computer reboot thing is really getting annoying. I mean, it was annoying last week when it started but now that I know it isn’t a virus or some messed up registry thing I am started to feel pretty helpless. I did order a new CPU on Sunday night.  Unfortunately I went with the cheapest online dealer I could find and it looks like they waited until today to actually put the thing in the mail.  Sigh.

I am assuming my CPU is the problem because I can’t think of anything else it could be. All the tech sites I have been reading point to an overheating CPU. All the fans in my PC are working but I am a slob and I have a cat so dust bunnies are just a way of life. I did take my computer apart, cleaned out all the dirty bits, and made sure the heat sink on the CPU was clean. No luck. So hopefully a new CPU will solve the problem.

In the mean time I just have to deal with my computer rebooting every time I get into something.

I did manage to get some work done today. I released Traffic Success Formula almost 6 weeks ago (has it been that long?) and today I took the time to crunch some numbers to see how profitable it has been. The numbers weren’t that good. Granted, I am list building so in theory it will be much more profitable in the long run but I would really like to see some more of that money coming in sooner.

I decided the best way to get my list profitable now was to update my “one time offer” that people see when they sign-up. I was running a pretty generic ebook package. I tried to spice up my OTO with a nice OTO template and a relatively cheap price. It’s making me money but not nearly as much as I would like.

Today I was playing around with the idea of creating some kind of OTO rotator that would let me test different offers but I decided to just pick one rock sold product and see how it goes. I picked a product that I have mentioned on my blog before but I bundled in a few bonus products and slashed the price almost in half. Which product is it? Well, I can’t tell you that unless you subscribe to my list. Luckily you can do that very easily by requesting a copy of Traffic Success Formula at my site: or you can just subscribe to my newsletter by filling out the form at the top of this page.

Amazing! I managed to write this entire post without a single reboot. Apparently my PC is healed and I don’t have to worry about it rebooting while I am in the middle of writing somethi

How to Choose a Niche Market

When it comes to Internet marketing it seems that choosing a good niche market is where most people make their biggest mistake. People usually do two things when they pick a niche… they either choose a market that seems to be really hot, or they pick something where they have a lot of expertise.

If you don’t do it correctly, there are problems with both of these methods.

Let’s take the first example. When you choose a market that looks like it is doing well you are going to be hard pressed to be a new comer and have any sort of control over what is going on.

If it is a really popular niche and there is a lot of money changing hands then there is most likely going to be some serious competition. If you don’t know what you are doing it won’t take long for your competition to bury you because they are going to have a lot more experience than you and will probably have a bigger budget to spend on advertising.

The second method that people use to choose their niche market is to choose a topic they already know a lot about. This can either really help you or it can be your worst nightmare.

What usually happens is that somebody will create a product based on something that they know, and in their eyes, it looks like it should do great. They start buying advertising and marketing it all over the place but they soon find out that their product either doesn’t have a market or the market doesn’t have very much potential for making money.

Before jumping into a niche market there are a few things to consider:

1. How much competition will there be and how big are your competitors.
2. Whether there is a market for your product.
3. Would that market be willing to spend money on your product.
4. Will you enjoy what you are doing if you start a business in this market?

All these factors are very important. I have personally have found that when you really have a passion for what you are doing, then you can do it better. You consider it fun because you enjoy doing it.

It is important that you do not jump into the hottest market just because you think it can make a lot of money. Learn to do something you really enjoy and you WILL make money.

Discover how to make an obscene amount of money selling niche products on the Internet.

Niche Profit Formula
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