I Attend Online Internet Marketing Conferences

One of the biggest boosts I have gotten in my Internet marketer career happened when I started attending online Internet marketing conferences.  It it something I find myself constantly recommending to other marketers no matter what their experience level is.

I thought I would make a post listing some of my favorite online Internet marketing conferences that I try to attend as often as possible.

These conferences are all free!

These are not sales calls.  I always tell people that in these conferences there is no hype, no bs, and nobody will ever try to sell you anything.  It’s just a good place to network with other marketers and get the help you need from the people who are actually successful in this business.

Participation is totally optional.  If you want to ask questions and get involved in the conversation you will definitely get the most out of the experience.  However, if you would prefer to hang back and just observe what goes on you are more than welcome to do that too.

Affiliate Funnel
When: Every Saturday @ Noon EST
Hosts: William Brandt and Paul Kinder
Where: http://www.hotconference.com/conference,82001688

This was the conference that started it for me.  Affiliate Funnel brings to the table a wide variety of great guest speakers every week from around the industry.  The discussions are usually followed by an open q&a session where participants are free to ask any questions they have.  This is one of the largest weekly conferences I attend with dozens of big name program owners in attendance every week.  After the conference is over is not unusual to find owners offering incredible credit deals on their sites.  You would be amazed at the kind of deals you can find just from attending this one conference every week.  Highly recommended.


TimTech (T3)
When: Every Monday @ 7:00 PM EST
Hosts: Jon Olson, Tim Linden, and Justin Ledvina
Where: http://www.trafficexchangelive.com/room.php

This was formerly the conference to support TE Toolbox but with the recent forming of TimTech this conference is now covering all of their businesses under one umbrella.  This includes TE Toolbox, Sweeva, Adkreator, Click Track Profit, I Love Hits, and StartXchange.  The discussions are not limited to just these programs and often cover things like social networking, personal branding, list building, and starting an online business.


Tezak Traffic Power
When: 1st and 3rd Wednesday @ 6:30 PM EST
Hosts: Tony Tezak
Where: http://www.hotconference.com/conference,ttpchat

This is mostly a conference dedicated to members of Tezak Traffic Power traffic exchange.  You will find lots of great information here about how to get the most out of using free traffic exchanges to promote your sites.  Plenty of prizes are given away to attendees making this a very fun a conference to attend.


SWAT Traffic
When: Every Wednesday @ 8:00 PM EST
Hosts: James Holmes
Where: http://swattraffic.com/seminarroom.html

Another traffic exchange related conference room presented by SWAT Traffic.  Here you will find a wider discussions about the traffic exchange industry as a whole and discover lots of new ways to improve your online business.


Get Referrals Fast
When: Every Thursday @ 8:00 PM EST
Hosts: Mike Paetzold and Jerry Reeder
Where: http://www.hotconference.com/conference,81842117

The Get Referrals Fast conferences are a more structured than some of the others listed above.  These conferences are serious online training classes covering everything from list building, traffic generation, content creation, and all the nitty gritty details of running a successful online business.  This is some of the best online training you will find and the fact that it is given away for free makes this well worth attending every week.


Traffic Exchange Live
When: Every Weekday @ 4:00 PM EST
Hosts: Jon Olson, Tim Linden, and Justin Ledvina
Where: http://www.trafficexchangelive.com

This one is probably my favorite.  It is much less structured than the other conferences.  We often joke that we discuss everything here except business.  That’s not really true because TE Live is really more of a daily 1-hour peek into the lives of some of the more successful online business owners.  You would be surprised how much you can learn about running an online business just from “hanging out” with the people who are doing it.  Highly recommended.

New JV Giveaway Events – February 21, 2011

I have just updated the calendar for all new upcoming JV giveaway events that are seeking contributors.

It looks like the biggest event on the horizon is “Pot of Gold Gifts” from John Cornetta & Reed Floren.  That one launches on March 17 so there is still  plenty of time to get in and get active.

Here is the complete list of upcoming JV giveaway events that are currently seeking contributors for: February 21, 2011.

JV Giveaway Events

February 24 – Queen Bee JV Giveaway
Contributors: 185  Gifts: 131

February 28 – Just a Simple Giveaway
Contributors: 122  Gifts: 119

March 5 – Early Spring Giveaway
Contributors: 125  Gifts: 93

March 7 – The People’s JV Giveaway 3
Contributors: 69  Gifts: 53

*March 17 – Pot of Gold Gifts
Contributors: 599  Gifts: 161

* Recommended

You can find a complete listing of upcoming giveaways on the events calendar at: http://www.GiveawayTactics.com

card1 med2 New JV Giveaway Events   January 25, 2011

The Best Safelists for April 2010

This just in… Safelist marketing DOES NOT WORK!

Ok, now that i’ve gotten my April Fools joke out of the way… Happy April!

It seems that there is not much news to talk about in the world of safelist marketing this month.  Well, that’s not entirely true.  Global Safelist just hit 10,000 members.  That’s a pretty big milestone in anybody’s book.  Congratulations Doug!

List Building Maximizer just announced that they are giving away $1,000 in their referral contest which is running through May 31.  I’m pretty sure they are still giving away $1.00 per referral as well.  I can’t find any info about that on the site but I do keep finding random $1.00 payments in my account so it must be true.

Ok, That’s it for the news… let get to the stats!  These stats come from advertising my video splash page for Safelist Marketing Tactics.

Total Clicks

Unique Clicks Action Sales CTA CTS
List Effects
1,742 1,072 117 35 10.91% 3.26%
ListBuildingMaximizer 1,817 843 37 18 4.39% 2.14%
List Auction 1,646 1,028 47 16 4.57% 1.56%
List Joe 1,629 1,147 51 15 4.45% 1.31%
Elite Safelist 1,565 694 24 13 3.46% 1.87%
ViralAdStore 1,654 943 37 10 3.92% 1.06%
Got Safelist 4,041 1,595 44 9 2.76% 0.56%
FreeSafelistMailer 1,333 609 23 6 3.78% 0.99%

“Clicks” is how many people viewed my splash page.  “Action” is how many people clicked the link on my splash page to go to the main site.  “Sales” is how many people joined my site.  CTA and CTS are “clicks to action” and “clicks to sale”.  I ranked these safelists by sales but it is also important to look at the other numbers to determine how responsive each safelist really is.

Once again List Effects is killing it!  I just wish understood why.  The site is brand new and to be honest it’s not very pretty but somehow it is managing to blow away all of the competition.  I guess I gotta give props to Frank Salinas & Jon Atwood for releasing one very responsive site.

List Building Maximizer also continues to impress me.  For just being a regular credit based safelist it has managed to hang with the big viral list building two months in a row.  Same goes for Elite Safelist which seems to get better and better every month.

It’s great to see List Auction and List Joe back on top again.  I was getting a little worried last month when they started to slip in the rankings.  Both of these sites have been consistent performers for me and I would have hated to lose them.

I guess that’s gonna do it for this month.

Of course I always need to point out these are my own personal stats and depending on what you are promoting your results may vary.  I provide this information as a guide for trying out new safelists that you might not already be a member of.  It is important that you track your ads to find out which safelists work best for you.  You can get a free link tracker from TEToolbox.

 The Best Safelists for February 2010

Free “Cloak & Dagger” Affiliate Secrets

Hey Everybody.

Happy Sunday!

Looks like the Clickbank Pirates are on the prowl again, and as always they are revealing some shocking truths…

I’ve just finished reading an amazing free report from my friends Soren Jordansen, John Merrick & Cindy Battye. It’s called “Cloak & Dagger Affiliate Secrets”.

Watch this short video to receive yourfree copy:


In this free report they reveal:

* How shady merchants have been using BS scare tactics to get you to buy software you don’t need!

* Why most affiliate marketers fail to make any money at all.

But more importantly…

* Their shockingly simple formula for easily making tons of affiliate sales.

* And how their new “Phantom Link Cloaker” will generate more leads for you, resulting in more sales and bigger commissions checks.

Watch the video right now and grab your  free copy of the “Cloak & Dagger Affiliate Secrets”.

Click the link below…