The Best Safelists for February 2012

Welcome back!

The calendar on my wall says it is February but the thermometer is making it feel more like May.  Regardless of what the weather may feel like outside it’s time for another fun filled blog post revealing my top safelists and viral list builders.

I didn’t spot any major new launches last month but I am happy to report that Email-Hog is back up and running!  I held off on sending an email about the relaunch until I could verify that everything was up and working again.  Hopefully we will see them ranking well again next month.  If you were a member before the site went down a few months ago you may still be able to retrieve your old account data by filling out the form on this page:

That’s it for the news.   Let’s get to the stats!

Every day I promote a number of squeeze pages using safelists and viral list builders which give away free copies of my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics. I use a free link tracker to determine how much traffic my mailings generate as well as how many new subscribers I receive.  I then compile all of that data and share the results here on my blog each month to show you which safelists and viral list builders are bringing me the best results.

I always like to point out that I do have upgraded memberships at most of these sites which usually allows me to send my ads more often.  My ads are also very targeted to other safelist members which does help to increase the response rate.  Your results my vary.

Here we go…

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
Viral List Builder Plus 1340 59.00% 15 1.12%
Your EZ List 1454 71.00% 14 0.96%
State of the Art Mailer 3230 70.00% 13 0.40%
List Joe 1113 80.00% 12 1.08%
List Building Maximizer 1030 40.00% 12 1.17%
List Adventure 1055 57.00% 10 0.95%
Adchiever 2554 71.00% 7 0.27%
Instant List Empire 637 61.00% 7 1.10%
Adsolutionline 2440 41.00% 6 0.25%
The Lead Magnet 847 53.00% 6 0.71%
Instant Profit List 161 63.00% 6 3.73%
Adtactics 3439 27.00% 5 0.15%
Elite Safelist 2758 45.00% 4 0.15%
Global Safelist 1016 40.00% 4 0.39%
List Bonus 701 72.00% 4 0.57%

Total January sign-ups from all mailers (including those not listed here): 142

Congrats to Viral List Builder Plus for making it to the top of the list!

A big thank you to List Hoopla for recommending Your EZ List to me.  It’s not the sexiest list builder out there.  In fact it’s about as bare bones as it gets.  But so far the results have been excellent.

Looking at the stats I also want to mention that I recently let my upgrade at List Joe expire.  It’s always been a relatively expensive upgrade which was well worth the price about a year ago but with all the new viral list builders it’s effectiveness had been going down.  Oddly, now that I am a free member again my results have been going back up.  If this keeps up I may have to spring for another upgrade.

That’s it for this month.  Keep in mind that these stats are the result of my own marketing efforts and your results may vary.  These stats are only provided as a guide to show you what is currently working best for me.  What works best for you might be something entirely different but you will never know unless you are tracking your ads.  You can get the same free link tracker that I use when you join TE Toolbox.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics




The Best Safelists for January 2012

Happy New Year!

Another year down and somehow I have managed to keep these safelist stats coming in every month.  It’s been almost two and a half years!  So I just wanted to thank you all for your support over the years.

I think the big news from last month was the launch of the new “List Hoopla” ranking service from the creator of Traffic HooplaList Hoopla ranks the top safelists and viral list builders every week.  How does that compare with what I do here?  List Hoopla uses a complex formula comparing traffic, conversions, bounce rate, and even how much they were paid in commissions.  I simply go by the number of sign-ups I received.  Not very scientific but I am a simple man.  While our rankings may not be identical comparing both lists should give you the best sampling of what safelists and viral list builders are producing the best results right now.

If you would like to receive your own List Hoopla page filled with your own affiliate IDs you can sign-up at the bottom of this page:

The top ranked site on List Hoopla this week is YourEZlist.  As you can see YourEZlist doesn’t appear on my list at all.  That’s because I wasn’t a member until a few days ago.  I’m in now and I look forward to comparing my stats next month.

Email Hog was hacked.  Most of their databases were corrupted so site has been down since mid December.  Quite a bummer since I had just joined and was already getting very good results.  They hope to have everything up and running again by Jan 15.

State of the Art Mailer has a referral contest going on until they reach 20,000 members.  I mention this only because I am in second place and I want to win!  Oh, they are also a great mailer and well worth the cost of the upgrade.  Now go join!

Ok, time for my stats…

Here’s how it works.  Every day I promote a series of squeeze pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics on 30-40 different safelists and viral list builders.  I use a link tracking service that shows me how many hits I receive from each mailer as well as how many new subscribers I received.  I should point out that I do have upgraded memberships on most of these sites which often allow me to send my ads to more members and more often.  I also spend time every day clicking emails for credits which allow me to send my ads to the maximum number of people as often as possible.  Your results may vary.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
Adchiever 2364 72.00% 16 0.68%
List Adventure 1567 58.00% 11 0.70%
Viral List Builder Plus 1153 59.00% 11 0.95%
Viral URL 31 97.00% 10 32.26%
Global Safelist 926 46.00% 8 0.86%
State of the Art Mailer 3183 72.00% 8 0.25%
Adsolutionline 2333 45.00% 7 0.30%
The Lead Magnet 897 56.00% 6 0.67%
List Joe 653 80.00% 6 0.92%
Adtactics 3426 25.00% 5 0.15%
Elite Safelist 2533 44.00% 5 0.20%
Viral Mail Profits 324 62.00% 5 1.54%
List Effects 339 54.00% 4 1.18%
Ultimate Profit List 1050 58.00% 3 0.29%
List Bonus 808 73.00% 3 0.37%

Total December sign-ups from all mailers (including those not listed here): 130

Kind of a crazy month.  I think I will let the numbers speak for themselves.

Don’t forget that these are my own personal stats based on my own marketing efforts.  I provide these stats only to show you what safelists and viral list builders are currently working best for me and to give you some suggestions for new mailers to try.  Your results may be completely different from mine.  The only way to determine which sites work best for you is to track your own stats.  You can get the same link tracker that I use for free from TE Toolbox.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics


The Best Safelists for December 2011

Hello again!

As we close in on the end of another year it’s time once again to dig out some stats and see which safelists and viral list builders are bringing in the best results today.

Before we get to the stats, here’s what’s going on in the world of safelists and viral list builders…

In October John Bell released his take on a modern VLB with Viral List Builder Plus.  I didn’t have enough data to share my stats from this site last month but this month I do.  As you can see from the stats below it looks as though John has another winner on his hands.

The Lead Magnet is celebrating it’s one year anniversary.  At the time The Lead Magnet was launched there was a whole slew of other VLBs being launched.  Some lasted while others did not.  Stefan Berg has proven that he has what it takes to manage a successful mailer and the fact that it is at the top of my list of top performing sites every month should be reason enough to join if you haven’t already.

State of the Art Mailer is in the process of rolling out a new feature called the “Downline Builder Surfing Bonus”.  What this does is allow members to have free and even paid members placed into their downline by simply doing what they are already doing… namely clicking their emails.  They are working on a few more social media aspects to the feature which should be complete sometime next week.  I am really looking forward to see how well this works.

The members area inside Viral URL just got a facelift.  Welcome to the 21st century!

Anybody got a referral link for Email Hog and List Outbreak?  I am looking forward to giving these a try.

Ok, time for the stats!

I like to preface these with a little disclaimer so you know how these stats were obtained.  Every day (or as often as I am allowed) I send out ads to 30+ safelists and viral list builders promoting squeeze pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics.  I keep track of how many times my webpage is viewed from each mailer along with the number of new subscribers I received.  I spend about an hour each day clicking emails for credits.  I also have upgraded memberships in most of these mailers which often allow me to reach more members more often.  These are my own personal stats and are only intended to let you see what is working best for me.  Your results may vary.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
Adchiever 2584 74.00% 13 0.50%
The Lead Magnet 1254 61.00% 12 0.96%
Viral List Builder Plus 1066 64.00% 12 1.13%
List Joe 865 78.00% 10 1.16%
List Bonus 705 77.00% 8 1.13%
State of the Art Mailer 2970 72.00% 7 0.24%
Viral Ad Store 603 65.00% 7 1.16%
Elite Safelist 2504 42.00% 6 0.24%
Ultimate Profit List 1134 62.00% 6 0.53%
List Adventure 1049 58.00% 5 0.48%
The List Auction 190 62.00% 4 2.11%
Viral URL 32 84.00% 4 12.50%
Elevated Power List 199 57.00% 4 2.01%
Adsolutionline 2313 41.00% 3 0.13%
Quick List Profits 386 70.00% 3 0.78%

Quite a bit of action last month.  For the vast majority of the month List Joe was at the top with a very large lead.  During the final week it dropped down to number 3 behind The Lead Magnet and Viral List Builder Plus.  Then within an hour of doing my final mailings for the month Adchiever brought me 3 new subscribers bringing it into the top position.

I’d like to welcome Viral List Builder Plus to the list.  I’ve been very happy to see what John Bell has brought to the community and it’s great to see his new mailer performing so well.  If you are not already a member this is definitely the best new site to come along in awhile and is well worth your time to join.

That’s all for this month.  Hopefully I will have a few new sites to review for next month.  Until then make sure you keep tracking your results because if you don’t you will never know which sites are working for you and which ones are not. You can get the same link tracker that I use for free when you join TE Toolbox.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics

The Best Safelists for November 2011

Hello and welcome to November!

It’s a new month and that means it’s time to dig out my safelist and viral list builder advertising stats from last months and share with you what sites are currently bringing me the best results.

But first… the news!

The biggest launch from last month was the new release of a unique viral list builder from my good friend John Bell.  It’s called Viral List Builder Plus.  I don’t have any stats to share yet but so far I am really enjoying this site.  One of the unique features displays the open rate of all emails sent through the site.  Members are receiving between 17% and 20% open rate for all emails sent through the system.  Not bad.  I will definitely keep working this one and share my stats with you next month.

Now for the stats.

If you’ve never been here before this is how it works.  Every month I promote a series of lead capture pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics on 30-40 different safelists and viral list builders.  I try to view as many emails from other members as I can to earn enough credits to send my emails as often as possible.  I use a free link tracker to find out how my hits my pages received from each site as well as how many new subscribers I received.  I do have upgraded memberships at most of these sites which usually allows me to send my ads more often.  My ads are also very targeted to other safelist and viral list builder members which help to increase my results.  Your results my vary.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
List Bonus 1355 82.00% 19 1.40%
The Lead Magnet 1174 61.00% 17 1.49%
State of the Art Mailer 4130 77.00% 14 0.39%
List Adventure 912 60.00% 12 1.32%
Adchiever 1704 69.00% 11 0.65%
Viral URL 34 81.00% 10 29.41%
AdsolutionLine 2734 42.00% 9 0.33%
Elite Safelist 2612 38.00% 9 0.34%
Ultimate Profit List 1048 73.00% 9 0.86%
Instant List Empire 340 66.00% 8 2.35%
List Joe 1576 75.00% 8 0.51%
Quick List Profits 505 64.00% 8 1.58%
List Effects 355 61.00% 7 1.97%
Adtactics 1788 40.00% 6 0.34%
Global Safelist 1411 38.00% 5 0.35%

Not a bad month.  The top 3 sites continue to dominate as they have for the past few months.  I love seeing List Adventure in the Top 5.  So many VLBs have come and gone over the last year that it’s great to see this site still competing so well.  If you are not yet a member of any of these I highly recommend joining now.

That’s it for this month.  I will be keeping a close eye on Viral List Builder Plus over the next few weeks and hopefully have some good stats to share with you next month.

Keep in mind that these stats are the result of my own marketing efforts and may not match your own.  These are only provided as a guide to show you what is currently working best for me.  What works best for you might be something entirely different but you will never know unless you are tracking your ads.  You can get the same free link tracker that I use when you join TE Toolbox.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics


The Best Safelists for October 2011


Not too much news to report.  Other than the launch of Totally Tweetable about a month ago I haven’t spotted any other new safelists or mailers worth mentioning.  Have I missed anything?

So let’s just get to the stats!

Every day I submit a series of lead capture pages to dozens of safelists and viral list builders giving away free copies of my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics. I use link trackers to determine how much traffic my mailings generate as well as how many new subscribers I receive.  I then compile all of the data and share the results here on my blog each month to show you which safelists and viral list builders are bringing me the best results.

Keep in mind that these stats are the result of my own personal efforts.  I have upgraded memberships in most of the sites below and spend time every day earning credits to make sure my ads are seen as often as possible.  Your results may vary.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
The Lead Magnet 1341 60.00% 20 1.49%
State of the Art Mailer 4177 74.00% 14 0.34%
List Adventure 987 59.00% 14 1.42%
List Bonus 955 81.00% 13 1.36%
Global Safelist 1571 37.00% 12 0.76%
List Joe 1002 78.00% 11 1.10%
Adchiever 2041 71.00% 10 0.49%
Elite Safelist 2585 37.00% 9 0.35%
Viral URL 18 78.00% 8 44.44%
Instant List Empire 272 61.00% 6 2.21%
Quick List Profits 511 52.00% 5 0.98%
DownlineBuilderDirect 1128 56.00% 5 0.44%
Ultimate Profit List 929 71.00% 5 0.54%
Viral Mail Profits 290 67.00% 4 1.38%
European Safelist 625 40.00% 3 0.48%

Total September sign-ups from all mailers (including those not listed here): 166

I’m sure Stefan Berg will be happy to see that The Lead Magnet is on top again.  Hi Stefan!

I also want to recommend List Adventure to anyone who isn’t already a member.  This mailer almost got lost in the shuffle a few months ago when new viral list builders were launching all over the place.  List Adventure is right up there this month with heavy hitters like SOTAM and List Bonus.  What’s amazing to me is that as an upgraded member at List Adventure I don’t think I have ever had to worry about earning credits to send my ads to the entire list every 3 days.

That’s it for this month.

Don’t forget that these stats are the results of my own marketing efforts.  You results may differ from mine but you will never know unless you are tracking your ads!  You can get the same link tracker that I am using for free when you join TE Toolbox.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics