The Best Safelists for September 2011

Welcome to September!

Another month down and a whole new month of stats to share for the best safelists and viral list builders out there today.

The big news from last month was the re-release of List Surfing.  This site definitely got a lot of attention and with good reason.  List Surfing does an amazing job of blending the best elements of a traffic exchange with a safelist to create a unique advertising environment.  Best of all List Surfing has brought social marketing into the safelist arena which is something this industry has been very much lacking.

If you missed it I did a video review of List Surfing that you can watch here:

Not too much else to report.  I did test a few older safelists that I had joined years ago but quit because they weren’t producing good results.  The results from last month weren’t good enough to put them in the top 15 so I won’t bother mentioning them.  Needless to say if you have any good safelists or viral list builders that you recommend which you don’t think I am member of please send them my way.

On to the stats…

Here’s how it works.  I promote a series of squeeze pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics on 30-40 different safelists and viral list builders.  I use a tracking service to tell me how many hits I receive from each site as well as how many new subscribers I received.  I do have upgraded memberships on most of these sites which often allow me to send my ads to more members and more often.  I also spend time every day clicking emails for credits which allow me to send my ads to the maximum number of people as often as possible.  Your results may vary.

Hits Unique Conv. Ratio
AdsolutionLine 2799 40.00% 20 0.71%
The Lead Magnet 1186 62.00% 20 1.69%
State of the Art Mailer 4121 77.00% 19 0.46%
List Bonus 1207 81.00% 16 1.33%
Quick List Profits 553 62.00% 13 2.35%
Ultimate Profit List
1228 73.00% 12 0.98%
Adchiever 1673 69.00% 11 0.66%
List Joe 2063 77.00% 10 0.48%
DownlineBuilderDirect 1252 56.00% 8 0.64%
Viral URL 25 92.00% 8 32.00%
List Effects 319 63.00% 7 2.19%
Instant List Empire 537 66.00% 7 1.30%
List Surfing
896 83.00% 7 0.78%
List Adventure 1021 60.00% 5 0.49%
AdTactics 1099 24.00% 4 0.36%

Total August sign-ups from all mailers (including those not listed here): 166

Not a bad month.  Pretty cool to see an old school safelist like AdsolutionLine topping the list.   Makes me wish I earned commissions there but it’s a totally free safelist.  So if you’re not a member, that’s definitely one you will want to join.

Everything else looks about right.  A nice mix of safelists and viral list builders.  It’s not too hard to see from looking at this list which are the best sites to be advertising on this month.

I should mention that List Surfing is a little bit lower on the list than I would have expected.  That’s because the mailer credits are earned by surfing in the traffic exchange side of the site.  Unfortunately I haven’t had enough time to earn enough credits to reach the maximum number of members for every mailing.  That makes it a little harder to compare to the other sites.  I will say that the branding and the social aspect of List Surfing puts it a little bit ahead of the competition but that is something which is kinda hard to measure with these kinds of stats.

That’s it for this month.  Don’t forget that these are my own personal stats based on my own efforts.  Your results may differ from mine.  These stats are provided to give you a starting point for new safelists and viral list builders to try.  The only way to determine which sites work best for you is to track your own stats.  You can get the same link tracker that I use for free from TE Toolbox.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
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The Best Safelists for August 2011


Welcome to my August 2011 report of the current best safelists and viral list builders.

If this is your first time here you are in for a treat.  Every month I share my personal marketing stats from all of the safelists and viral list builders I used during the previous month.  This should help you get a better idea of what safelists and viral list builders are producing the best results going into the new month.  I also like to share any news or announcements of big launches that recently happened.

Last month there were no new safelists or viral list builder launches to report.  Sorry.

There was a new feature released at State of the Art Mailer worth mentioning called “Time Bonus Ads”.  I wrote about this in a previous post that you can find here.  To be honest I totally forgot all about this new feature since I last wrote about it… but that’s how it works!  You earn credits to show your banner ads across their network just doing the stuff you are already doing.  Since I last checked it I have had my banner shown 23,198 times and had 30 click-thrus to my sites.  Not bad for not having to do any extra work.

Ok, time for the stats…

Here’s how it works.  I promote several squeeze pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics on all of the top safelists and viral list builders.  I then track how many hits I received from each mailer and how many new subscribers they brought to my list.  I do have have upgraded memberships on most of these mailers which allow to me send my ads more often.  I also spend time every day clicking email ads for credits that allow me to send my emails to as many members as I can as often as I can.  This list is only intended as a guideline and your results my vary.

Hits Unique Conv. Ratio
List Bonus 1657 84.00% 18 1.09%
The Lead Magnet 1189 61.00% 17 1.43%
Instant List Empire 379 67.00% 12 3.17%
Viral URL 32 84.00% 11 34.38%
List Adventure 937 61.00% 11 1.17%
Adchiever 1629 70.00% 10 0.61%
State of the Art Mailer 4397 77.00% 9 0.20%
Instant Profit List 382 65.00% 8 2.09%
Ultimate Profit List 1405 76.00% 8 0.57%
Quick List Profits 445 69.00% 7 1.57%
List Joe 1880 76.00% 7 0.37%
AdsolutionLine 2842 43.00% 6 0.21%
List Effects 425 59.00% 6 1.41%
Viral Ad Store 584 65.00% 5 0.86%
Downline Builders Direct 338 55.00% 4 1.18%

Total July sign-ups from all mailers (including those not listed here): 160

Not too much has changed from last month.   The only exception is Instant List Empire which has made a pretty big jump from last month.  I like this mailer because as an upgraded member I only receive maybe one or two emails a day.  That makes earning extra credits a little tricky but it also means every time I send out an ad it gets noticed.

That’s it!  Don’t forget that these are my own personal tracking stats from promoting my own pages.  Your results may vary but you will never know unless you are tracking your own ads.  You can get the same tracking service I use for free from TE Toolbox.

Now get out there and start sending your ads!

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics

The Best Safelists for July 2011

Hello and welcome to July!

Has it really been a month since I last updated my blog?  Sorry.  I’ve been really busy working on my new site which I hope to unveil very soon.  Trust me, the wait is going to be worth it.

In the meantime I can’t ignore the fact that it is the first of the month and just like I have been doing since I don’t know when I started… it’s time to dig out my advertising stats from last month’s safelists and viral list builders and show you what has been working best for me.

But first, the news!

Actually, not too much to report from last month.  Sean Supplee did launch a new viral list builder called List Ablaze at the start of the month.  My stats there this month were good but nothing spectacular.  Are we starting to reach a point where the market for new viral list builders is becoming over saturated?

Ok, let’s get to the stats!

If you have never been here before, here’s how it works.  I promote a few rotating squeeze pages every day in over 30 different safelists and viral list builders.  I track how many people are clicking the credit links to view my pages and how many are joining my list.  Yes, I am upgraded on most of these mailers and your results may vary based on what it is you are promoting.  These stats are just meant to serve as a guide to help you to decide what mailers you should be using this month.

Got it?  Good.  Here we go…

Hits Unique Sign-ups Ratio
List Bonus
1600 81.00% 30 1.88%
Elite Safelist
2485 39.00% 18 0.72%
List Adventure
701 61.00% 17 2.43%
List Effects
338 60.00% 14 4.14%
3825 78.00% 14 0.37%
Adchiever 1474 68.00% 13 0.88%
The Lead Magnet
978 60.00% 11 1.12%
Viral URL
62 71.00% 11 17.74%
Ultimate Profit List
628 72.00% 11 1.75%
Viral Mail Profits
453 70.00% 11 2.43%
Instant List Empire
170 71.00% 8 4.71%
List Ablaze
716 73.00% 8 1.12%
Adsolutionline 2494 41.00% 7 0.28%
European Safelist
608 29.00% 7 1.15%

Total June sign-ups from all mailers (including those not listed here): 230

I decided to expand the list to 15 instead of 10 this month to help give a better picture of what is going on.

Once again, List Bonus is rocking the top of the list.  I don’t know how they are doing it but I am getting sign-ups every single time I send out an ad there.  If you’re not a member of List Bonus yet I have no idea what you are waiting for.

Look who has found their way back into the number two slot.  Is that Elite Safelist?  Why, yes it is!  Who said old school safelists are dead?  Those people are missing on on some great traffic from some great sites.  If you haven’t tried Elite Safelist in awhile go check it out.

And then there’s all the other mailers that we know and love.  Blah, blah, blah.

Now get out there and start promoting your sites!

But first, make sure you are tracking your links.  If you don’t track, you will never know which sites are working for you and which ones are not.  If you need a tracking tool you can get the same one that I am using for free from TEToolbox.

 The Best Safelists for June 2011
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics

The Best Safelists for April 2011

I have come to the conclusion that safelists and viral list builders don’t work so this will be my final update.

Wait for it…

April Fools!

Ok, that was weak.  We all know safelists and viral list builders rock.  I will keep posting my stats every month until they stop rocking which I suspect won’t be for a very long time.

Did you hear that Viral Mail Profits had a relaunch last month?  That’s no joke!  In my opinion Viral Mail Profits is the best tool to manage all of your safelist and viral list builder mailings from one location.  They have now added their own mailer to allow you to send your ads to other Viral Mail Profits members.  I don’t have any stats to share this month but the results have been very good so far.

The latest viral list builder just launched a few days ago from Michael Coursey.  I’m talking about My Viral List Profits.  This one is so new I haven’t even had a chance to test it out yet.  I do have a special promo code that you can use if you want to test it out for yourself.  This is an exclusive promo code so don’t go sharing it with everybody you know (ok, you can share it with a few people).  Use promo code “safelistexclusivecode” to get 1000 credits, 1000 banner impressions, and 1000 text ads.  It’s only good for the first 100 people who use it so don’t wait too long to use it.  Enjoy!

Ok, let’s get to the stats…

Last month I picked up a total of 191 subscribers just from advertising my squeeze pages on safelists and viral list builders.

Keep in mind that I have upgraded memberships at most of the safelists and viral list builders which often allows me to send more ads more often.  So your results with some of these sites may vary.

Hits Unique Subscribers Ratio
Viral URL 60 92% 32 53.33%
The Lead Magnet 1,272 70% 16 1.26%
Quick List Profits 694 68% 14 2.02%
State of the Art Mailer 3,996 76% 13 0.33%
Instant Profit List 560 65% 13 2.32%
Power Profit List
538 65% 12 2.23%
Ultimate Profit List
445 73% 11 2.47%
Adchiever 1,372 74% 10 0.73%
List Joe
1,695 69% 9 0.53%
AdsolutionLine 2,945 43% 8 0.27%

For years people have been telling me to try Viral URL but I resisted because it’s not credit based and I don’t care about link cloaking and viral ad bars.  But their “Gold” membership allows me to email 3,000 random members every 3 days.  That doesn’t sound like much but the results speak for themselves.  I think I will be sticking with Viral URL for awhile.

As far as the credit based sites, I am sure Stefan Berg will be happy to see that The Lead Magnet is on top once again.  Way to go Stefan!

As a matter of fact, almost all of the new viral list builder sites have been kicking butt lately.  It’s nice to see something new taking place in the industry that is actually working.  If you are not a member of any of the new viral list builders listed above do give them a try.  They are very simple to use and the results have been great.

That’s going to do it for this update.  Keep in mind that all the stats that you see above are a result of my own advertising efforts with my own ads.  Your results may vary but you’ll never know it unless you are tracking your ads!  You can get a free link tracker that will show you which ad sites work best for you from TE Toolbox.

The Best Safelists for April 2011
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics



The Best Safelists for February 2011

Hello and welcome to February!

I don’t know about you but it’s weather like this makes me glad I work from home.

I have some big changes to announce this month but first I want to shine a light on one of the better safelist related launches that took place last month.  It’s a site called “The Traffic Button” and it was released by Mike Purvis who is best known for creating The List Auction, Viral Ad Store, and Traffic ZipperThe Traffic Button is a series of free training modules which will show you how to get the most out of advertising with free viral list builders (such as the ones Mike owns).  There is definitely some good content here and well worth the time to check it out.

I also released a new edition of my popular ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics.  Nothing major.  I just wanted to make sure the content is current and still relevant to marketing with safelist and viral list builders into 2011.

Ok, the big announcement… my tracking script died!

Yep.  I was doing some routine maintenance on the database and for some unknown reason the script will now no longer recognize the tracking cookies used to tell me when people click my splash page and when they join my program.

So now I am tracking all of my links exclusively with TE Toolbox!

The bad news is that I lost all of my data from before January 13th.

The good news is that the new trackers are working great.

Since I made such a major change in the way I track my links I also decided to take this opportunity to make some changes in the way I have been promoting.  Before I was promoting splash pages and tracking how many people clicked my ads and how many people ultimately joined my program.

I decided that instead of promoting the usual splash pages that I am now going to promote a squeeze page instead and track how many people subscribe to my list through that page.

Here is the page I am promoting:

That page is available to all upgraded members of Safelist Marketing Tactics if you would also like to use it to build your list.

The results?

Since January 13th I have tracked 208 new subscribers to my list from promoting that page exclusively through safelists and viral list builders.


Which safelists and viral list builders worked the best?

As always I would like to point out that these stats are a result of my own marketing efforts and your results may differ.  I also have upgraded memberships on most of the safelists and viral list builders listed below which normally produces better results.

Enough of that… here’s what worked best for me:

Hits Unique Subscribers Ratio
State of the Art Mailer 3,407 71% 35 1.03%
Adchiever 1,635 70% 20 1.22%
Quick List Profits 611 65% 18 2.95%
Global Safelist 1,191 38% 14 1.18%
Viral Ad Store 694 67% 12 1.73%
List Effects 405 65% 11 2.72%
The Lead Magnet 660 68% 10 1.52%
AdTactics 2,667 29% 9 0.34%
The List Auction 543 65% 9 1.66%
AdsolutionLine 1,845 42% 7 0.38%
Elite Safelist 1,695 38% 7 0.41%

Not bad for only half of January.

As usual, if you are not already a member of State of the Art Mailer… oh boy are you missing out!

Adchiever also continues to rock.

I am really impressed this month by Quick List Profits.  While this is still one of the newer viral list builders the conversion ratio is the best on the list.  I don’t know what Kym Robinson is doing over there but it’s definitely working!

That’s all for this month.

Keep your eyes peeled on Feb 13th for a brand new viral list builder launch that is definitely going to make some big waves.  Also be back here next month to see what kind of results I get from a full month of building my list with safelists and viral list builders.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics