The Best Safelists for July 2019

July is here!

Welcome back everybody and a big hello to all of the new subscribers.

Last month I announced that I would be changing things up by switching from promoting my Mister Safelist splash pages and going back to promoting lead capture pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics.

I receive a lot of emails from people about safelist marketing and a lot of people want to know why they don’t get the kind of response to their ads that they expected.  Here’s the deal, you’re not going to have much success promoting generic affiliate pages with giant “Buy Now!” buttons.  Those just don’t work.  You need to promote things that people actually want and most importantly you need to build your list.  Once the viewers are on your list and have gotten to know, like, and trust you then you can try telling them about what you have to offer.

The money is in the list!

I had hoped to prove that his month by comparing the results I obtained from splash pages to lead capture pages.  Unfortunately I just got home from a 12-day road trip across the country and I must admit that I didn’t spend nearly as much time submitting my ads and reading emails for credits as I would have liked.  Still, even though I only did a fraction of the work this month the improvement over last month is still obvious.

Let’s take a look at my partial stats from last month…

I regularly submit my ads to about 40 different safelists and viral list mailers.  I am currently promoting lead capture pages that promote my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics.  The “Sign Ups” below reflect how many people have chosen to opt-in to my list and verified their email address.  I do have upgraded memberships at a lot of these sites which allow to me to send my ads more often but I do still spend a lot of time reading emails to earn enough credits to send my ads.  I don’t use every mailer out there but I do often cycle out less responsive lists to try new ones.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
European Safelist 4031 53.00% 9 0.22%
State of the Art Mailer 2092 60.00% 8 0.38%
Viral URL 93 70.00% 3 3.23%
List Adventure 1324 39.00% 3 0.23%
Trend Mails 1250 41.00% 3 0.24%

Total June Sign-Ups: 44

Again, this is probably less than 3 weeks of data but still twice as many sign-ups overall than last month. I have a very good feeling that if I don’t do as much traveling this month we will see much better results next month.

Don’t forget that these stats are the results of my own marketing efforts and are only provided to show what sites are currently working best for me and my ads.  What works best for you might be something entirely different.  The only way to know what will work best for you is to test and track your own ads.  Good luck!


The Best Safelists for June 2019

Happy June!

Well, my safelist stats are down again this month so I think it’s time to switch things up again.

I’m currently promoting a variety of splash pages for my own Mister Safelist.  As an affiliate I would say my numbers are fine.  23 referrals in a month would be pretty good in any program.  But since I am trying to compare the effectiveness of different safelists I am not getting enough sign-ups at each one to really show a clear difference between them.

Starting this month I am going to go back to promoting simple squeeze pages for my book Safelist Marketing Tactics.  It’s badly in need of an update but I have always found that squeeze pages convert much better than splash pages for me so I am hoping that this will give my numbers enough of a boost this month to make my stats more useful again.

So once again here are my stats from last month.

The stats below are the top results from my marketing efforts in May.  I currently use 40-50 different mailers every day (or as often as I can) to promote those splash pages for my mailer Mister Safelist. The “Signups” below show how many people have completed the registration process after joining my site.  I do have an upgraded membership at most of the mailers which often allows me to send my ads more often to more members.  However, I do spend a lot of time every month reading emails to earn enough credits to send my ads.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
European Safelist 5376 52.00% 3 0.06%
Bweeble 1883 49.00% 3 0.16%
State of the Art Mailer 1866 64.00% 2 0.11%
Responsive Mail Marketing 1796 48.00% 2 0.11%
The Lead Magnet 373 53.00% 2 0.54%

Total May Sign-ups: 23

As always please keep in mind that these stats are the results of my own marketing efforts and are only provided to show was is currently working best for me.  What sites work best for you might be something entirely different and depends on your own efforts and what you are promoting.  The only way to know which sites work best for you is to track your own results.



The Best Safelists for May 2019

Hello again!

Today is the first day of May 2019 and business has been moving along at a steady pace.  I hope everyone has been having a great year so far and has been generating lots of sales from their safelist marketing campaigns.

Just in case you missed it last month Jan Cabrera launched a new mailer called Responsive Mail Marketing and so far it has been generating a lot of activity for me.  If you haven’t checked it out yet I recommend joining for free and seeing if it is a good match for you.  It has all the best features and I believe Jan is doing a great job to keep bringing in new members for us to advertise to.

So, here’s my safelist stats from last month.

I regularly submit my ads to about 40 different safelists and viral list mailers.  I am currently promoting several splash pages that promote my own mailer called “Mister Safelist“.  The “Sign Ups” below reflect how many people have joined the site through my advertised link and verified their email address.  I do have upgraded memberships at a lot of these sites which allow to me to send my ads more often but I do still spend a lot of time reading emails to earn enough credits to send my ads.  I don’t use every mailer out there but I do often cycle out less responsive lists to try new ones.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
State of the Art Mailer 3199 58.00% 3 0.09%
European Safelist 4231 49.00% 3 0.07%
Responsive Mail Marketing 1737 54.00% 3 0.17%
Traffic Bonus 988 50.00% 3 0.30%
Trend Mails 1929 44.00% 2 0.10%
Harmony Mails 1713 39.00% 2 0.12%
Ads Messenger 931 54.00% 2 0.21%

Total April Sign-ups: 26

Don’t forget that the stats above are provided only to show which mailers are currently working best for me at this time.  What works best for you might be something entirely different.  The only way to know what sites work best for you is to track your own ads.

 The Best Safelists for April 2019
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics



The Best Safelists for April 2019

Happy April Fools!

No jokes from me this year.  I’m actually on my last day of Spring Break Vacation with my girlfriend and the last thing I want to be doing is sitting inside at my computer thinking up pranks for you.  Let’s get right to the news…

Actually, there’s quite a bit of news this month.

Yet another new mailer was launched by the Kolijn brothers.  This was is called List Compass and has all the great features you’ve come to expect from one of their sites.  These guys are really on a roll so if you like their other sites you will probably like this one too.

State of the Art Mailer is celebrating it’s 9 year anniversary this month with a 100% commission contest.  What this means is that you get to keep all of the money earned from any new purchases your referrals make until a certain goal has been reached.  They ran a similar contest last year and it was a lot of fun.  If you look back at the history in my blog you will find that State of the Art Mailer is consistently ranked as one of my best mailers so I would like to wish the guys there a very happy anniversary!

And last but not least we have a brand new mailer launching today!  This one is from Jan Cabrera who you have probably seen out there marketing with this rest of us over the years.  This is Jan’s first site and after taking the time to look everything over it appears to be a winner to me.  It’s called Responsive Mail Marketing and it is launching today at 10:00 AM EST.  If you want some awesome launch day upgrade offers I highly encourage you to check this one out.

That’s all for the news.  Let’s get to the stats…

As usual the stats below came from the 40 or so safelists and viral list mailers that I use to promote Mister Safelist.  I use these safelists to advertise a variety of splash pages for my site.  “Signups” are the people who have chosen to join Mister Safelist and have completed the registration provess.  While there are many other safelists out there these are the ones I use.  These stats show only the number of new members received by using the “credit mailer” and do not include and banner or login ads.  I also like to point out that I am upgraded at most of these sites and spend a lot of time reading emails to earn enough credits to send my ads.  My own Mister Safelist does not appear on this list but it should always be assumed that Mister Safelist is awesome.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
State of the Art Mailer 3693 61.00% 5 0.14%
European Safelist 6417 48.00% 4 0.06%
Trend Mails 2025 43.00% 2 0.10%
List Adventure 1592 41.00% 2 0.13%
List Mailer Plus 1193 40.00% 2 0.17%

Total March Sign-ups: 24

A rather weak month for me but I have been traveling a bit and not getting as much clicking done as usual.  I’ve also been experimenting with my splash pages so it looks like I will need to do a little more tweaking.  Hopefully I will have better luck next month.

Don’t forget that the stats above are provided only to show which mailers are currently working best for me at this time.  What works best for you might be something entirely different.  The only way to know what sites work best for you is to track your own ads.

 The Best Safelists for June 2018
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics




The Best Safelists for March 2019

Happy March to you!

I feel like the year has gotten off to a slow start but I am still totally convinced that safelist advertising is one of the best free or low cost ways to promote your online opportunities in 2019.

With that being said let’s jump right into my stats from last month…

During the month of February I used my daily safelist mailings to promote splash pages for my own Mister Safelist.  My stats are generated from using only the credit mailers and do not include login ads or banners ads or anything like that.  I am upgraded at most of these sites and do spend time every day reading emails to earn credits.  I currently submit to 30-40 different safelists.  I don’t use every safelist out there and I am constantly updating that list based on my advertising results.  I do not include my own Mister Safelist here as I prefer to let other reviewers take care of that.  I provide these stats only to show what is currently working best for me.  Your results may vary.


Hits Unique Signups Ratio
State of the Art Mailer 3577 59.00% 7 0.20%
European Safelist 7138 50.00% 6 0.08%
List Mailer Plus 1119 45.00% 5 0.45%
Trend Mails 2125 44.00% 2 0.09%
Adchiever 883 58.00% 2 0.23%
Traffic Leads 2 Income 1233 34.00% 2 0.16%

Total February Sign-ups: 34


I decided to mix things up a bit last month.  I felt like the splash pages I was promoting were getting a little stale so I swapped them out with some older ones I haven’t promoted in awhile.  While one of them seemed to flop the others did much better and resulted in an increase in the number of subscribers I received even though it was a shorter month.

Don’t forget to mix up your splash pages and keep your content fresh!

That’s all for now.  Please note that the stats above are provided only to show what is working best for me.  What works best for you might be something entirely different.  The only way to know what sites work best for you is to track your own ads.

 The Best Safelists for May 2018
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics