How Can Traffic Exchanges and Squeeze Pages Help Me?

Last week I sent out a mailing to my list on behalf of Brett Phillips and John Guanzon about the relaunch of their program TEReports.

In addition to adding two new products and twice as may new squeeze pages for upgraded members TERports now offers a squeeze page for free members.  This is a great way for free members to start building their list using free traffic exchange programs.

One of my subscribers replied to my email with a questions about using traffic exchanges and squeeze pages.  I thought I would share my response here.

Hi Jerry. I have been receiving your emails for some time now. I like the info but I need some clarity. How do I get on the traffic exchanges, and how will anyone find my squeeze page? I have a network marketing business and I would like to reach lots and lots of people, but I am not sure how. How can traffic exchanges and squeeze pages help me?

Hey Paul.

That’s a pretty big question but i’ll do my best to reply here.

First, to get on the traffic exchanges just pick one and join it.

You can start with any of these:

They are all free but if you upgrade to a paid membership you’ll get more traffic for less work.

There are lots of guides out there about using traffic exchange but most of it is pretty self-explanatory:

1. Visit other member sites to earn credits
2. Spend your credits to show your site to other members

Using a traffic exchange is a great way to expose your squeeze page to thousands of new people.

It is important to remember though that the traffic you get from traffic exchanges is inscentivized (I know, big word).  Basically, that means that most people are only coming to your site because they want to earn credits to show their own site.  Your squeeze page should directly target these people and hopefully be interesting enough to stand out in the crowd.

It helps to have your own product to give away as an incentive for surfers to subscribe to your list.  If you don’t have your own product then you can use any of the free ones provided by TERports.  They all work really well in traffic exchanges.

Once you start building your list you have the opportunity to build a relationship with the people on your list and to potentially sell to them over and over again.

That’s sorta the simplified version but hopefully you get the gist of it.

If you need more details… just ask!

Click Here to Join TEReports

My First 3 Years of List Building

I started building my list on June 30, 2007.

I know this because I just checked my Aweber account and searched for the date that my first lead was added.

I felt compelled to look this information up because I received an unexpected email from one of my subscribers tonight.  She was replying to one of the emails I had set to send from my autoresponder 3 years ago!

No, I am not crazy enough to try and write 3 years worth of emails.  I don’t even remember why I did it but for some reason I set the last message in my email series to be sent after 999 days.  The email simply said:

Just checking in to say hello.

How’s it going?

I never expected I would still be doing this 999 days later or that anybody would still be reading my emails after 3 years but sure enough I got a response back tonight:

thank you for the message.

Have a Blessed new Week.
~ Becky

Thank you Becky!

Over the last few years I have started to gain some perspective on this whole make money from home thing.  I’ve noticed that there is always a handful programs that everybody is trying to promote claiming it’s the next big thing.  It usually lasts for about 3 or 4 months until the focus shifts to a new batch of programs.

For every hot new program you can name now I can name a dead one from a year ago that was just as popular.

I started building my list because I got involved with one of those dead programs which thankfully provided it’s members with lead capture pages to promote.  They had an in-house autoresponder but I chose to pay a little extra to use a 3rd party one.  That’s how I found Aweber.

The company I was promoting is long gone…

But after 3 years, I still have my list!

I’m not saying it’s wrong to promote the latest and greatest opportunity… just do it on the back end!

The only thing you should be promoting are things that build your brand and build your list.  Once people are on your list and have gotten to know you THEN you can introduce them to whatever you want.  If they aren’t interested… well, you’ve got at least 3 years to find something that they are interested in.

So thank you Becky for continuing to read my emails.  I’m going to keep building my list and I look forward to hearing how everyone else is doing for the next 999 days.

List Zillion – Safelist Review

I know, finally!

I’ve been promising this review of List Zillion for about a month now and I finally have some time to get it written.

I considered doing another video review but to be honest there isn’t a whole lot to see inside the List Zillion site.  List Zillion appears to be run on the same viral list building script that i’ve seen running on a few other sites that have recently launched.  The members area consists of a message displaying the site’s stats (currently 5415 members) and that’s about it.  Other than some banners and full-page ads I guess you could say List Zillion has a “clean” design.

Don’t worry.  What List Zillion lacks in personality it more than makes up for by being an extremely responsive mailer.  Isn’t that what counts?  But I’ll get back to that in a minute.

As simple as the List Zillion design is I still found myself getting lost several times when I first joined.  It seems the link to the “upgrade” page isn’t where you would expect it to be and once there I had an even harder time noticing the link to compare memberships levels.

List Zillion does offer some unique features for those who take the time to explore the site.  There’s the standard link cloaker and downline builder but there’s also something new called the “list builders optimizer”.  This appears to be a way to organize your mailings with other viral list builders.  I haven’t really taken the time to set this up yet but it seems like it could be useful.

Upgraded members can submit “top sponsor” ads which appear at the top of every email.  They also have access to a unique “referral mailer” which acts like an autoresponder by sending a welcome email to your new referrals as well as sending a recurring email to them every 6 days.

Here’s a peek at the List Zillion membership levels.

Membership Free Gold Platinum
Mail To (memberships) Free, Gold Free, Gold, Platinum Free, Gold, Platinum
Mail Frequency Every 7 Days Every 5 Days Every 3 Days
Mail To (members) 300 (up to 1000 w/credits) 2000 (up to 3000 w/credits) 3000 (up to 5000 w/credits)
Message Personalization Yes Yes Yes
Click Tracker Yes Yes Yes
Can Save Ads Up to 2 Up to 10 Up to 20
Credits for reading Messages 10 15 20
Credits for reading Solo Ads 20 40 50
Credits for your downline reading messages 5% 10% 20%
Signup Credits 1,000 4,000 6,000
Credits per Referral 150 250 300
Monthly Credits 0 4,000 6,000
Top Sponsor Ads 0 3 5
HTML Mailer No Yes Yes
Visual HTML Editor No Yes Yes
Commissions 15% 30% 50%
Monthly Cost $16.99 $26.99

So is List Zillion worth the platinum upgrade?

Here’s my personal advertising stats from last month with List Zillion:

Total Clicks: 1,226
Unique Clicks: 741
Splash Page Clicks: 47
Sign-ups: 15
Clicks-to-Action: 6.34%
Clicks-to-Sign-up: 2.02%
Cost per Sign-up: $1.80
Daily Emails Received: <10

Not bad.  This is comparable to most of the major viral list builders out there right now.

List Zillion is still a relatively new site.  With just over 5,000 members there is still a lot of room for growth.  Anyone looking for a solid viral list builder who cares about results should definitely give List Zillion a closer look.

Click Here to Join List Zillion

The Best Safelists for August 2010

Hello and welcome to August!

Everything appears to be bright and sunny in the world of Safelist Marketing.

I posted a couple of individual reviews last month for Reactive Adz and State of the Art Mailing System.  If you missed them, check them out.

Unfortunately due to a nasty malware infection on my computer (don’t worry,  I squashed it) I wasn’t able to write my review of List Zillion last week.  I’ll try and have that done sometime this week.

Also, I mentioned last month that I would be testing out some solo ads.  I ended up spending close to $300 on solo ads!  The results are in and I’ll be posting those stats here sometime soon.

As soon as I finish writing this I am going to join two new safelists that recently launched and test them out.  I’ll let you know how that goes next month.

Finally, I am happy to report that one of my favorite non-credit-based viral list builders is now credit based!  Downline Builder Direct gives you the ability to build your downline 20 levels deep.  Now with the credit emails you can reach an even larger audience without referring.

Ok… who’s ready for some stats?

The numbers you see below are the result of me promoting two different splash pages for my site Safelist Marketing Tactics.  I have premium memberships on most of the sites below which allow me to email the maximum number of members as often as I can.

Total Clicks Unique Clicks Action Sales CTA CTS
State of Art Mailer 4,407 2,142 132 26 6.16% 1.21%
List Auction 1,362 731 54 16 7.39% 2.19%
List Zillion 1,226 741 47 15 6.34% 2.02%
ListBuildingMaximizer 2,463 1,036 55 14 5.31% 1.35%
AdTactics 2,585 924 75 13 8.12% 1.41%
List Joe 1,366 994 52 12 5.23% 1.21%
ViralAdStore 1,273 672 45 12 6.70% 1.79%
Elite Safelist 2,227 939 43 8 4.58% 0.85%
Adsolutionline 2,560 1,012 52 7 5.14% 0.69%
Got Safelist 1,808 892 23 6 2.58% 0.67%

“Clicks” is how many people viewed my splash page.  “Action” is how many people clicked the link on my splash page to go to the main site.  “Sales” is how many people joined my site.  CTA and CTS are “clicks to action” and “clicks to sale”.  I ranked these safelists by sales but it is also important to look at the other numbers to determine how responsive each safelist really is.

I can’t believe I avoided joining State of the Art Mailing System for so long.  It was at the top of my list last month and this month I got TWICE as many sign-ups!  If you are not a member of this safelist yet you don’t know what you’re missing.

When did List Zillion join the ranks of the best safelists?  I guess I really should write that review.  Soon, I promise!  For now i’ll just say yes, it really is that good.

Overall I would say it was a very good month.  Anybody who still doubts the effectiveness of safelist marketing is missing out some real quality traffic.

Ok.  Another report down!  Now I gotta go join those new safelists, write some more reviews, and write that ranking of the top solo ads.  It’s gonna be another busy month!

And don’t forget, these stats are the results of my own marketing methods.  What works best for my sites might not necessarily work for yours.  The only way to know for sure is to track your results!  You can get a free link tracker from from TE Toolbox.

 The Best Safelists for February 2010

No Money System – Does “Free Money” Really Exist?

Happy Monday!

Nearly every day I receive an email from a reader who is struggling to earn their first dollar working from home.  More often then not, they tell me that they really want to make money on the Internet but they don’t want to spend any money to get started.

Personally, I am more than happy to invest money into my business if I know I can make a profit.  If I can spend $20 to make $30 i’ll do it over and over again all day long.  However, I understand that some people are just not in a position where they can spend a lot of money.

I had to ask myself…

Is it really possible to make money on the Internet without having any money to spend?

I’ve been looking around for awhile now to find a system that people can use to make money that won’t cost them any money to start.  The best method I have found for me is to make money with affiliate marketing.

Unfortunately if you don’t already know what you are doing learning all of the necessary steps to become a successful affiliate marketer can be quite a daunting task.

That is until now…

The No Money System is a 30-part video training package with about 289 minutes of total content, or almost 5 hours of step-by-step content. This massive video package will show you step-by-step a complete affiliate marketing system from start to finish.

This is a complete system that will show you how to make money using only free resources that are readily available on the Internet.

I am so excited that I can finally offer this system to you that I have decided to slash the price of the No Money System for a limited time.  But don’t wait!  Depending on the response i’ll probably be raising the price really soon.

Also, if you act right now I will even include the master resell rights to this fantastic product.  This will allow you to resell the No Money System and keep 100% of the money you make.  I can’t offer the MRR rights for very long so grab your copy now!

Click the image below to get your copy.

Cick Here to Get the No Money System