The Best Safelist Mailers for 2022

Happy New Year!

I had hoped to do another “end of the year” post to highlight the best safelists from last year but because I switched tracking services in the middle of the year and since I  have been testing a lot of different pages over the past few months I simply didn’t feel like I had enough data to do a proper list.

Instead I decided to post a master list of all the safelist mailers I am currently using here at the start of 2022.

Got any I am missing?  Feel free to post your referral links in the comments.


Ads Messenger

Atlas Safelist

Banner Blitz Mailer


European Safelist

Fast Cash Mailer

Fast List Mailer

Free Advertising For You

Go Pro Mailer

Guaranteed Mails

Harmony Mails


Instant Ad Power

Leads N Profits

List Adventure

List Avail

List Bonus

List Joe

List Mailer Plus

List Nerds

List Punk

List Surfing

List Unlocked

Mister Safelist

Pro Traffic Generator

Results Mailer

State of the Art Mailer

Stay at Home Mailer

Synergy Mails

Tezzer Mail

The Lead Magnet

Traffic Leads 2 Income VM

Trend Mails

Viral Nugget

Viral URL

Website Traffic Rewards

World Traffic Mailer

The Best Safelists for August 2013

Happy August!

Another month and another bunch of mailer stats.

I joined a bunch of new mailers last month. Well, not really a bunch and not really new. I noticed there were a few mailers in List Hoopla that I had not joined before.  I joined Email Traffic List, Click or Return Email Wiz, Social Viral Mailer, and Majestic Money Mailer.  You can check the stats below but so far out of the bunch Email Traffic List appears to be the most effective which aligns with their #3 rank on List Hoopla.

A topic came up on Facebook recently regarding which works better in safelists: splash pages or sales pages.  The consensus was that sales pages work better.  I decided to test it out last month with my own pages.  I rotated 1 splash page for Mister Safelist and the Mister Safelist homepage.  Unfortunately, I didn’t save the stats (sorry).  But the splash page slightly out performed the home page.   It was close though.  My advice is to test it for yourself and see what works best for you.

Stats time!

Here’s how it works.  Every day I submit my ads to 40+ safelists and viral list builders promoting my own Mister Safelist website.  Yes, I am upgraded in most of these sites and spend time every day clicking for credits that allow me to send my ads to as many people as I can as often as I can.  These are my personal stats and are provided only to show what is working best for me.  Your results may vary.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
List Adventure 3459 59.00% 14 0.40%
List Jumper 1999 68.00% 10 0.50%
Marketing Checkpoint 1170 64.00% 9 0.77%
Top Tier Mailer 2744 51.00% 8 0.29%
Email Traffic List 1591 64.00% 7 0.44%
Adchiever 3227 64.00% 7 0.22%
Max Mailer Pro 3720 45.00% 7 0.19%
Click or Return Email 1689 76.00% 6 0.36%
List Bonus 1254 56.00% 6 0.48%
Mail Our List 1229 43.00% 6 0.49%
Puffin Mailer 2565 40.00% 5 0.19%
Golden Chest Mailer 1919 47.00% 5 0.26%
State of the Art Mailer 2189 61.00% 5 0.23%
Social Viral Mailer 807 33.00% 4 0.50%
100 Percent Mailer 2010 59.00% 4 0.20%

Total July Sign-ups (including those not listed here): 140

That’s all for this month.  Remember, if you want to know which sites work best for you then you need to track your own ads.  You can get a 30-day trial of the same link tracker service that use from

The Best Safelists for July 2013

Welcome to July.

A few notable launches from last month…

Darren Olander and Matt Koshko raised the bar again with the release of Marketing Checkpoint. Marketing Checkpoint is more than just another mailer. It’s a full fledged social networking site that rewards activity with the ability to send your email ads to other members. In addition to the mailer Marketing Checkpoint allows members to post articles and participate in conversations about safelist and other forms of marketing. The Marketing Checkpoint mailer has been open for 2 weeks and so far has been showing a lot of promise.

The other big launch was from Rina Baxter who released Golden Chest Mailer. The site is run on the LFMVM script and has been showing a lot of activity. Worth checking out if you are looking for a new place to send your ads.

And now the stats.

Here’s how it works. Every day I submit ads to 40+ safelists and viral list builders promoting my own safelist Mister Safelist. I am promoting a variety of splash pages and have started mixing up my emails with songs parodies just for fun. I spend time every day reading emails for credits and I am upgraded at most of the sites I use which allows me to send my ads more often and to more people. Your results may vary.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
List Adventure 3991 59.00% 12 0.30%
Bweeble 2118 65.00% 10 0.47%
100 Percent Mailer 2922 58.00% 6 0.21%
List Jumper 2258 71.00% 6 0.27%
State of the Art Mailer 2217 63.00% 6 0.27%
Top Tier Mailer 1669 50.00% 5 0.30%
List Bonus 1341 58.00% 5 0.37%
Marketing Checkpoint 652 63.00% 5 0.77%
Viral List Builder Plus 3553 49.00% 5 0.14%
European Safelist 1139 47.00% 5 0.44%
Golden Chest Mailer 2212 57.00% 4 0.18%
List Viral 2223 62.00% 4 0.18%
Max Mailer Pro 4550 41.00% 4 0.09%
Viral Nugget 1891 53.00% 4 0.21%
List Nerds 1044 61.00% 4 0.38%
Adchiever 3726 62.00% 4 0.11%

Total June sign-ups (including mailers not listed here): 127

Relatively slow month. I’m in the process of weeding out sites that have been producing poor results and replacing them with some new mailers that I haven’t tried.

Keep in mind that the stats above are the result of my own marketing efforts. I provide these stats to show what is working best for me. What works best for you might be something entirely different. To find out what works best for you track your own stats with

The Best Safelists for June 2013

Hello June!

It feels like safelists and mailers have been getting a lot more attention recently.  Even compared to just a year ago.  It seems that more and more people are finding out what a powerful advertising medium they can be and I couldn’t be happier.

Last month saw the release of another new viral list builder called List Viral.  It was launched by Matt Baker with a little help from the guys at TimTech.  If you are a member of List Nerds you will notice the similiarities right away.  The design is simple and proves that you don’t need to have a million complicated options to get good results from a mailer.

The other big launch was the new social networking site from Darren Olander and Matt Koskho called Marketing Checkpoint.  This one is a little more than your typical mailer.  It’s a full fledged social networking site.  Sorta like Facebook for Internet marketers.  Members can earn “activity points” by being active within the community and those points can then be used to send ads through the mailer.  The mailer is still offline until June 14 so that they can build up their membership first.  It’s still definitely worth joining Marketing Checkpoint now.  There are some great discussions going on about safelist marketing and it’s a great place to get know your fellow Internet marketers in a social environment.

Ok, on to the stats…

Here’s how it works.  Every day I submit my ads to 40+ safelists and viral list builders promoting splash pages for my own Mister Safelist.  I am upgraded at most of these sites which typically allows me to send my ads more often than free members.  I also spend time every day reading emails for credits which allow me to send my ads to as many people as possible.  The stats below are the result of my own marketing efforts and your results will probably vary.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
Adchiever 4020 65.00% 13 0.32%
Viral List Builder Plus 3910 58.00% 12 0.31%
100 Percent Mailer 3952 61.00% 10 0.25%
List Adventure 4675 66.00% 9 0.19%
Max Mailer Pro 5725 52.00% 8 0.14%
Bweeble 2414 69.00% 7 0.29%
Viral Nugget 2260 62.00% 7 0.31%
State of the Art Mailer 2641 69.00% 6 0.23%
List Nerds 1268 72.00% 6 0.47%
List Jumper 1943 70.00% 5 0.26%
Puffin Mailer 2716 52.00% 5 0.18%
AdTactics 1113 53.00% 5 0.45%
Viral URL 85 72.00% 5 5.88%
List Bonus 1354 65.00% 4 0.30%
List Joe 469 67.00% 4 0.85%
Elite Safelist 2508 57.00% 4 0.16%

Total May sign-ups (including those not shown above): 146

A bit of a light month for me.  I think I have identified a few problems with my campaigns and will try focusing on my higher converting splash pages to see if that helps to increase my results for next month.

That’s it for this month.

Don’t forget to join Marketing Checkpoint if you haven’t already and come get involved in the safelists discussions.  We would love to hear your thoughts.

As always the stats above are only provided to show what is working best for me.  What works best for you might be something entirely different.  The only way to know for sure is to track your own results.  You can get the same link tracker I use from

 Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics

The Best Safelists for May 2013

Welcome to another fun filled month of tracking safelists and viral list builder stats.


I like to start with a little bit of news before getting to the stats and the big news from last month was the relaunch of List Adventure.  The old List Adventure has been chugging along for the past few years bringing decent results but it was… boring.  The new List Adventure is now owned by Jon Nastor and Bill Maloney who are well known for creating some of the most active mailers on the planet.  List Adventure has an all new design, some nice social branding features, activity rewards, and even their own version of badges.  It’s a lot of fun and the results have been great!

On to the stats!

Here’s how it works.  Every day (or as often as they will let me) I send out ads to 40+ safelists and viral list builders promoting splash pages for my own Mister Safelist.  No, you won’t see stats for Mister Safelist below but I hear it’s pretty good.  Yes, I am upgraded at most of the mailers and spend time every day reading emails to earn enough credits to let me send my ads to the maximum number of people.  The stats are the result of my own efforts.  Your results may vary.


Max Mailer Pro 5284 29.00% 12 0.23%
Bweeble 1976 52.00% 12 0.61%
100 Percent Mailer 3395 44.00% 11 0.32%
List Adventure 2834 56.00% 11 0.39%
Viral Nugget 2084 39.00% 10 0.48%
List Nerds 2013 56.00% 10 0.50%
Adchiever 3457 44.00% 10 0.29%
Puffin Mailer 2904 33.00% 8 0.28%
Viral URL 119 65.00% 7 5.88%
State of the Art Mailer 2241 46.00% 7 0.31%
AdTactics 1030 32.00% 7 0.68%
Elite Safelist 2581 36.00% 6 0.23%
List Bonus 1271 44.00% 6 0.47%
List Jumper 1922 52.00% 5 0.26%
Email-Hog 1577 53.00% 5 0.32%

Total April sign-ups (including mailers not shown here): 172

Keep in mind that the stats above are only provided to show what is working best for me.  What works best for you might be something entirely the different.  The only want to find out is to use a link tracker.  You can get the same link tracker that I use from

 Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics