The Return of Send Button Profits

Nobody is perfect.

About a year ago I wrote a review of a new site from Jeff Dedrick called “Send Button Profits”.  It’s funny because at the time I had planned on doing a video walkthrough of the site but decided making videos was too hard.  lol.

You can read my original review of Send Button Profits here:

At the end of the review I mentioned that the site would be closing soon but would probably open up again “in a few weeks or a few months”.

That was 10 months ago!

Needless to say… I never thought Jeff would keep his site closed for this long!

Well, Send Button Profits is back!

It appears that Jeff has put his Willy Wonka hat on and thrown the doors open once again to his magical list building factory… but who knows for how long this time!

But seriously, Send Button Profits is one really impressive website.  I use it all the time and every time I login I get blown away by how much cool stuff I have access to.

I considered making a new video walkthrough of the Send Button Profits website to show how much stuff had been added since last year but there is just way too much to see.

The video would end up longer than Gone With the Wind!

Ok, so here’s the deal…

If you didn’t join Send Button Profits last October I highly recommend getting in this time.  It’s not free but I have managed to snag a $20 discount code that you can use.

To claim the $20 discount use this link:

Jeff says the bonus offer will be ending soon and this time I believe him.

If you are serious about list building and making money online definitely check out everything that’s included with Send Button Profits.  It really is one of the most impressive Internet marketing packages I have ever seen and is worth every penny to have access to it.

Click Here to Join Send Button Profits

TE Profits Gets a Relaunch

The secret to making money on the Internet can be summed up in one simple formula:

Traffic + Conversion = Income

Easy, right?

And yet most people still struggle to make any real money online.

So what’s the problem?

You probably already know how to get the traffic.  If you’re using traffic exchanges you can easily generate a few thousand hits to your sites every day with very little effort.

The problem is the conversion.

Most people can’t figure out how to turn their traffic into cash.  They waste all of their time mindlessly clicking away and end up earning little or no money for their trouble.

What you need is a system that can convert your traffic into cash which is easy to setup and can generate long-term residual income.

One of the only online systems I have been able to find which can do this is called “TE Profits“.

I have been a member of TE Profits for at least two years.  If you have surfed at any of the major traffic exchanges in the last few years you’ve probably seen their splash pages.. many of them include a picture of the owner Scott Douglas (aka “The Dragonfly”).

I admit haven’t promoted TE Profits much because although I think the system is brilliant, the website I guess was just a little bit too confusing for new members which I think made it harder for them to see the forest though the trees.

About a week ago Scott Douglas contacted me and showed me the “new” TE Profits website that he has been working on.

What a difference!

The new TE Profits website is now so much easier to use.  Anybody can sign-up for this system and start putting Scott’s proven money making system to work for them today.

Scott just gave me the “thumbs up” that the new site is now open and ready for sign-ups!

You can join right here:

You will probably see me promoting this a lot more in the future.  I am a big fan of both Scott Douglas and TE Profits so I have no problem with recommending him or his program to anyone looking for ways to make money online.

Click Here to Join TE Profits

Step-by-Step List Building For Profits

Welcome back to part 3 of my money making series.

A few days ago we started talking about list building as a way for you to make money working from home on the Internet.  For myself and many others this has been the key to our Internet marketing success.

Today I want to share with you the step-by-step system that I use to make money with my list every day.  However, instead of trying to explain it all in this blog post I am going to refer you to an ebook instead.

Sorry.  No sense in me trying to reinvent the wheel when all this information is already out there readily available.

If you are looking for a step-by-step system to building a profitable opt-in mailing list there is no better place to start than Soren Jordansen’s “Internet Marketing Success Formula”.

You download a free copy here:

Save it to your computer and then take some time today to read the whole thing.

Don’t just skim… read it!

You will be glad you did.

Next time I won’t take the easy way out and i’ll show you some techniques you can use to create your own mouth watering freebies that can be given away to build your list.  Look for it in a few days.

Phantom Link Cloaker

Happy Thursday!

I know it has become almost a cliche, but it’s true: People love to buy stuff… but they HATE being sold to!

It’s just human nature…

Anything that you include in your sales process that seems cold and faceless
will turn people off so fast it’ll make your head spin…

That’s why I’m so glad I found this little money-making gem from my friends Cindy, John, and Soren:

It’s called Phantom Link Cloaker, and it lets you quickly and easily generate your own friendly but professional-looking affiliate links…

Tests show that people are a lot less likely to click on links that look like a mess…

I’m talking about the typical affiliate link most people use… a long string of random letters, numbers, and other gibberish…

On the other hand, if you have a link that’s short and that actually says something in plain English, people warm to it and click in much greater numbers…

Some people double or even triple their sales and profits by using a professionally cloaked link… so I can’t recommend Phantom Link Cloaker strongly enough.

You could be throwing a LOT of potential profits away and not even know it.

Time to get that money back in your pocket where it belongs:

Cindy, John and Soren have also thrown in a bunch of videos and tutorials,
revealing some of their secret tips and strategies to push your conversions
even higher still…

Plus, Phantom Link Cloaker comes with a 100% unconditional, money back
guarantee if it’s not everything you thought it would be…

If you’re serious about making a good living online and building your long-term business, then this is a total no-brainer.

Just go to the link now:

Send Button Profits – Use Your Imagination

I had this brilliant idea last night while I was playing around with Jeff Dedrick’s “Send Button Profits” website.  You see, Jeff is going to stop accepting new sign-ups tomorrow night and I don’t think everybody understands what they are goin to be missing out on if they don’t join now.

So as I am going through the members area last night looking at all the tools I thought “Gee, if people could just SEE all this stuff there would be no question about signing up”.  So I decided I would get up this morning and record a video walking you through the members area showing you everything in the Send Button Profits system.

Unfortunately, I forgot that I “SUCK” at making videos.  Yeah, I just tried 3 times and each time I found myself blanking out with long periods of “Duhhhhh”.  Sorry!

Luckily, I am a fast typer so i’m just going to try and “describe” everything you are getting with the Send Button Profits system.

First, go here.

That’s the sales page.  I’m sure you’ve seen it by now.  The system is based around list building which I happen to love. Seriously, look at any successful Internet marketer and you will find that they all make their money by
promoting to their list.  That’s the big secret to making money online.  If you’re not building a list that’s probably why you have been having such a hard time.

Scroll down the sales page.  You will find that Jeff is giving away the system for free. Click the sign-up link and you will find that it asks for a credit card.  I’m sure that’s where most people leave.  Don’t worry!  Jeff is going to send you his training course in the mail.  You just need to cover the shipping. It’s $6.95 if you’re in the US and $12.95 outside the US.  Not much considering what you are getting.

In addition to the course you are also getting 30-day access to the Send Button Profits members area.  This is where it gets good…

(Ok, use you imagination.  This is where the video would go if I actually recorded it)

Here’s everything you get in the Send Button Profits system…

First there is the “List Building Webinar Video”. This is the 9 part training video that covers:

1. Overview
2. Basics for Building a List and Getting Leads.
3. Ways to Build Your List
4. Ways to Make Money From Your List
5. Offline Leads
6. Secrets to Using Affiliates and Joint Ventures
7. Create That All Important Relationship
8. Writing Emails That Get Opened and Make Sales
9. Ways to Get Traffic to Your Websites

Good stuff.  Worth joining right there.

But there’s more… under that there is the “Optin and Download Page Creator System”.  If you are a member of Instant Bonus Page (One of Jeff’s other programs) this is basically that.  It lets you create pages where people can download your products and Jeff hosts them on his site for you.

In addition to the download page creator you also get the “Optin Page Creator”.  You can get this as an upgrade at Jeff’s other site but it costs $77 there.  Here it’s part of the system.

I just want to say that the Optin Page Creator is awesome!  I’ve been looking around for a way people without web hosting and html skills can make their own optin pages.  This is the best thing out there.

Here.. I made this page in less than 2 minutes:

I didn’t write the bullets.  I just wanted to see what it would look like.  Pretty impressive and it’s super easy to do.

In addition to this you also get one that makes video optin pages.  Just record your video (if you’re not lame like me), upload it to youtube, and this will  embed it in the optin page for you.

And there’s more!

You also get 10 premade optin pages for programs like Ewen Chia’s “Super Affiliates” and Johnny Andrews’ “Money Siphon System”.  Just fill in your affiliate link and you are ready to promote.

Plus there are 20 more that come with a complete autoresponder email series.  Just add your code to the page, promote, and all the emails will be sent out with your affiliate links.

Like autoresponder emails?  You also get a series of prewritten emails for 5 more top clickbank product.  Just fill in your clickbank username and add them to your autresponder.

There’s also 5 mini profit packs.  These are 5 more products you can sell that come with opt-in page and autoresponder emails all setup and ready to go.

Want more?  This is probably my favorite…

You get 200 rebranable ebooks.  200!  Just enter your clickbank username and the books will all be rebranded with your info.  Give them away as freebies and if anybody buys the products in the books you make money.  The books are even rebranded with your Send Button Profits affiliate link so you can make even more money.  I love it!

There’s also the “Internet Marketing Guru University Membership Site”.  I don’t even know what that is. I’ve been so busy with the ebooks I haven’t had time to explore it yet.

Personal coaching from Jeff Dedrick and Liz Tomey.  Ok, that costs extra but if you need some extra help that’s pretty amazing that they are offering one-on-one help for anybody who wants it.

Want more?

Ok, how about 12 audio interviews on list building from people like Ewen Chia, Gary Ambrose, and James Grandstaff.  Nice.


How about 150 more clickbank emails that you can add to your  autoresponder?  Set these things to send out every 3 days and you won’t have to worry about writing emails for over a year.  That’s truely an automated system.

You also get ebook templates.  I wish I had these when I first started writing ebooks since I waste so much time trying to format stuff.  These are really well made.


You also get 50 videos showing you how to generate traffic to your optin pages.  This isn’t junk. This is a complete traffic training course.  I watched a few of them and they are really good.

Finally there’s even more templates for you to download.  There’s Twitter templates, OTO templates (I really like these), and even more squeeze page templates.


You can see why I wanted to record a video instead of trying to type this all out.  It’s actually much more impressive when you can actually see all this stuff and spend some time playing with it.

So, Jeff is going to close the sign-up page tomorrow (Tuesday) at Midnight EST.  You’re not stupid, you know it’s going to reopen again at some point but I don’t know if it’s going to be in a few weeks or a few months.

Yes, it’s all free (except for the shipping) and yes you will be billed after 30 days if you want to keep your membership.  Considering everything you are getting with Send Button Profits I think it’s safe to say it’s worth the price.  All you need is an autoresponder and the Send Button Profits site and you are set!

Try it and SEE for yourself.  Click the link below to join.

PS – Even if you plan to cancel before the 30-day  trial is up make sure you watch the videos and  download as many of those 200 rebrandable ebooks
as you can.  Man, I still can’t believe he giving  away all those rebrandable ebooks for free!