Ranking the Top 10 Traffic Exchanges

This past week one of my most favorite websites (Affiliate Funnel) did a relaunch of sorts unveiling a brand new system for ranking the top traffic exchange sites.

Affiliate Funnel has ranked the top traffic exchange for awhile but they are now getting a little more scientific by basing there rankings on a variety of factors including user opinions, number of new members, and total number of hits. The results, which are tracked every week, present a fascinating window into how different exchanges stack up against one another.

Affiliate Funnel ranks the top traffic exchanges every Friday based on the results of the previous week. Being about 4:20 on Friday morning I am now getting a peek at which traffic exchanges ranked in the top 10 from this first week of testing. Very cool stuff.

Check out this week’s top 10 traffic exchanges now… CLICK HERE

Of course, the best way to figure out which exchanges will work best for you is to test them yourself and track the results. Just because an exchange performs well for some people does not mean that it will work just as well for what you are promoting. Still, with hundreds of traffic exchanges to choose from the top 10 traffic exchanges from Affiliate Funnel make a great starting point.

Say Hello To My Little Friend… P.A.W.S.

Last week Jon Olson re-launched SWAT Traffic and introduced the world to a brand new mascot.  Unfortunately that mascot did not have a name.  The call went out to name the SWAT mascot and the people responded.

I don’t usually like to toot my own horn (that’s not true, i’m actually quite fond of it) but I am proud to announce that my suggestion was ultimately chosen!

Introducing.. the new SWAT mascot:


Reminding you to…
Pay Attention While Surfing!

Yeah, I know. It just popped into my head at 2 in the morning and I guess it worked.

I can’t win a referral contest because I don’t have enough leverage.
I can’t win a surfing contest because I sometimes have a social life.
But give me a contest that requires a little creativity and I guess everybody has a shot.

So in celebration I am giving away 2.. count ’em 2 free “Captain” upgrades at the all new SWAT Traffic.

Here’s what Captain members receive:

– Live Captain Member Training Sessions
– Exclusive Downloadable Training Audios
– 750 Bonus Credits per Month
– Higher Surf Ratio
– Random Referrals
– 1500 Banners Per Month
– 2500 Text Impressions Per Month
– Much much more…

Here’s the catch.. I only have 2 upgrades to give away and I don’t want them to go to waste. If you don’t plan on surfing to make the most of your upgrades please don’t ask for one.

Also, the biggest benefit of upgrading at SWAT is having access to the Wednesday night SWAT conference room. This is where all the other Captains and traffic exchange owners meet every week to network and talk about Internet marketing. If you have no interest in attending at least one of the Wednesday night conferences, don’t ask for the upgrade.

This is for new SWAT members only!

Sign-up here:

Then leave a comment below including your username and your commitment not to waste your membership.

I will post another comment below to let you know when the offer has been closed.

Ready? Click the picture of P.A.W.S. to join!